When a debtor encounters financial trouble, a creditor needs an attorney to act swiftly and diligently. Even the most diligent lenders need legal assistance with the collection of delinquent debts. The combination of swift action and a high level of sophistication allows PLDR to provide a great value to its clients. Our attorneys offer a common sense and prudent approach and weigh a variety of factors to determine the best course of action to suit the needs of any creditor. PLDR also offers its vast experience and knowledge to evaluate workout options and collect debts of any size.
Among the numerous services that PLDR utilizes to help creditors collect on delinquent debts are the following:
When dealing with a solvent debtor, a creditor can avail itself of PLDR's services to improve the speed and amount of recovery. In the event that a debtor is bankrupt, these services are utilized to place the creditor in the best position. Should a debtor file for bankruptcy, PLDR’s bankruptcy section can assist a creditor through the process and in protecting the creditor’s interests.